Welcome to Dodla Dairy

Dodla Dairy Limited is a public limited company having its registered and corporate office at Hyderabad City of Telangana State in India. The company was incorporated in the year 1995 and production commenced in 1998. Currently, Our procurement is centered in 5 states and our products are available for purchase in 11 states. We have 94 milk chilling centers. Some of our plants are ISO 22000:2005 Certified while two are ISO 50001:2011 (EnMS) Certified.

Our distribution and marketing operations consist of distribution of our products through 41 sales offices, 2,986 distribution agents, 1,799 milk distributors and 544 milk product distributors across 11 states in India. Additionally, as of March 31st, 2022, our milk and dairy based VAPs are also available through 563 “Dodla Retail Parlours” which commenced operations in 2016 and are spread across the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Our product portfolio consists of Milk, Butter Milk, Ghee, Curd, Paneer, Flavoured Milk, Doodh Peda, Ice Cream and Sweets. These products are conveniently packed to suit various needs of its consumers.

Our Business Model

Our integrated business model enables us to provide end to end capabilities from procurement till distribution and marketing in a cost efficient manner. The key components of our integrated business model are as follows...

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